Diego F. Leal

Associate Professor of Sociology
University of Arizona

School of Sociology
University of Arizona
1145 E. South Campus Dr., 
Social Sciences, Rm. 400
Tucson, AZ, 85721
dflc [at] arizona [dot] edu

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Roll, David, Maria C. Robayo, Diego F. Leal, Enrique Serrano, Jessica Rodríguez, Juan C. Escamilla. 2014. The Latin American Diaspora in Spain, 1997 – 2007. Bogotá: Editorial Universidad del Rosario. (In Spanish). [buy online]


Leal, Diego F. and Natalie L. Cadwalader. 2024. "Enforced Disappearance as a Border Management Tool: The Case of Border Patrol Detentions of Immigrant and Asylum-Seeking Families in the United States," Journal on Migration and Human Security online first [pdf] [online appendix & instrument]

Leal, Diego F. and Nicolas L. Harder. 2023. "Migration Networks and the Intensity of Global Migration Flows, 1990–2015," Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 49(2): 445-464 [pdf] [online appendix & data] [code]

Leal, Diego F. 2021. "Network Inequalities and International Migration in the Americas," American Journal of Sociology 126(5): 1067-1126. [pdf] [online appendix & data] [code]

James S. Coleman Outstanding Article Award, section on Decision-Making, Social Networks, and Society of the American Sociological Association.

Kitts, James A. and Diego F. Leal. 2021. "What is(n’t) a Friend? Dimensions of the Friendship Concept among Adolescents," Social Networks 66: 161-170. [pdf]

Leal, Diego F. and Nicolas L. Harder. 2021. "Global Dynamics of International Migration Systems across South-South, North-North, and North-South Flows," Applied Network Science 6(8): 1-27. [pdf] [appendix & code]

Pachucki, Mark C. and Diego F. Leal. 2020. "Is Having an Educationally Diverse Social Network Good for Health?" Network Science 8(3): 418-444. [pdf] [appendix & code]

Leal, Diego F. 2020. "Mass Transit Shutdowns as a Tactical Innovation in Bogotá, Colombia," Social Currents 7(4): 299-309. [pdf] [code] [appendix]

Leal, Diego F., Anthony Paik and Steven Boutcher. 2019. "Status and Collaboration: The Case of Pro Bono Network Inequalities in Corporate Law," Social Science Research 84: 102325. [pdf] [data & code]

Leal, Diego F., Ragini S. Malhotra and Joya Misra. 2019. "Visualizing Feminized International Migration Flows in the 1990s," Socius 5: 1-3. [pdf]
[data & code]

Kitts, James A., Diego F. Leal, Will Felps, Thomas M. Jones and Shawn L. Berman. 2016. "Greed and Fear in Network Reciprocity: Implications for Cooperation among Organizations," PLOS ONE 11(2): e0147264. [pdf]
[data & code]

Malhotra, Ragini S., Joya Misra and Diego F. Leal. 2016. "Gender and Reproductive Labor Migration in Asia, 1960-2000," International Journal of Sociology 46(2): 114-140. [pdf]

Leal, Diego F. 2014. "Well-Being, Social Capital, and International Migration: An Exploration of a Latin American and Andean Spain," Migraciones 36: 369-401. (In Spanish, with English abstract). [pdf]

Leal, Diego F. and David Roll. 2013. "Think Tanks and Political Parties in Colombia: The case of the Constitutional Reforms of 2003 and 2009," Ciencia Política (Bogotá) 16: 89-112. (In Spanish, with English abstract). [pdf]

Roll, David and Diego F. Leal. 2010. "Migration, Co-Development and Social Capital: Guidelines for an Integration Strategy of Two Worlds," Colombia Internacional 72: 89-110. (In Spanish, with English abstract). [pdf]

Roll, David and Diego F. Leal. 2010. "How did a Latin-American and Andean Spain Emerge after Eleven Years of Immigration?: An Analytical Framework Based on the Concept of Well-Being," Ciencia Política (Bogotá) 9: 35-61. (In Spanish, with English abstract). [pdf]


Leal, Diego F. 2013. "The Dual Infrastructure of Protest Behavior in Bogotá: Transmilenio, Social Capital, and Collective Dissent in the Colombian Capital," Documentos dePolítica No. 22, Universidad de los Andes (Bogotá). (In Spanish, with English abstract). [pdf]

Leal, Diego F., Camilo Camacho, Ángela Bohórquez, and Stefanny López. 2012. "The Return Migration of Colombians from Spain: A Social Capital Approach," In Research Results: Unal Research Groups 2009-2010, pp. 41-81. Bogotá: Unibiblos. (In Spanish, with English abstract). [pdf]