Diego F. Leal

Associate Professor of Sociology
University of Arizona

School of Sociology
University of Arizona
1145 E. South Campus Dr., 
Social Sciences, Rm. 400
Tucson, AZ, 85721
dflc [at] arizona [dot] edu

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Classes I have taught:

Teaching Social Simulation

I have developed seven replications of prominent papers that use social simulation to advance and/or test the internal consistency of prominent sociological theories. The development of these teaching materials was done in collabotation with James Kitts in the context of a Carla B. Howery Teaching Enhancement Grant. I have presented these teaching materials at ASA (see poster here). These materials have also been used in summer methods courses at UMass, where I have been a guest lecturer.

The agent-based models I developed are:

  • An agent-based diffusion model on the emergence of intergroup inequality via homophily and network externalities published in AJS by Paul DiMaggio and Filiz Garip.
  • An agent-based model on the emergence of antisocial norms via rival incentives and peer pressure published in ASR by James Kitts.
  • An agent-based model on the emergence of collective action via adaptive thresholds and stochastic learning published in ASR by Michael Macy.
  • An agent-based model on the emergence of generalized exchange through an evolutionary approach published in AJS by Nobuyuki Takahashi.
  • An agent-based model on the emergence of opinion similarity via homophily and influence published in AJS by Daniel Dellaposta and colleagues.

The system-level models I developed are:

  • A model on state legitimacy and imperialist capitalism published in Sociological Methodology by Robert Hanneman and colleagues.
  • A model on the emergence of cooperation with three different strategies that evolve over time published in the Journal of Conflict Resolution by Jack Hirshleifer and Juan Carlos Martínez.


Click here to download the all simulation programs (requires NetLogo and Stella) and other relevant materials related to these models.